Wednesday 9 October 2013

Shutter speed

 Shutter Speed
All following images were taken with the following settings:
ISO: 100
F-STOP: 8-16
Time between flash: 13-30 seconds

This is one of my favorites! By slowly moving his arms in a flapping motion we created this photograph and reminds me of davinci's piece. It's very angelic and almost looks like wings or something.

I really like how you can clearly see in detail each individual step and layer in this image. I love how dark the surrounding areas are contrasted against the brightness and clarity of the facial area.
I don't particularly like this image as a whole but I like elements of it especially the bright yellow laniard spread across the image that really stands out and looks good against the dull surrounding colors.
this is probably one of the worst photographs, too much light was used resulting in this unclear shot that is too bright and blurred and not enough detail.
In this photograph we had a really good idea to stand in one place and flash the light behind us resulting in the silhouette with light surrounding it. It looks really good.
When we took this image we used more light as we got to the camera which resulted in this smoky effect that looks brilliant. Also, I really like how close tom got to the camera it finishes it off and adds a main focal point to the photograph.
This image was clearly a fail, the lighting was too dark and there clearly wasn't enough movement involved resulting in a boring photograph.
I really like this image because of the amount of compiled images we were able to fit into it and the lighting is just right.

This image probably would have been better if our faces weren't as bad and looked like we were actually aware of the images being taken, it makes the photographs look very amateur and was a complete fail.

We added a lamp shade into the equation and has resulted in some really interesting images and shapes.

I've came across a lot of photographers that experiment with shutter speed, but I came across an amateur class of photographers like our group who've made a blog and displayed their experimental shutter speed images on it like we have and i really like them, they've experimented more with UV light more than anything and looks really good.
Here are some examples of their blog work photographs:

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